Sacramento Teacher Induction Application – Coordinator

Please complete the form below to participate in the Sacramento Teacher Induction program for 2024-2025.

NOTE: Do not complete this form if you want to participate in Sacramento Teacher Induction for any program year other than 2024-2025. Instead, contact the Sacramento Teacher Induction office at to ask how you should proceed.


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
  • Help is available for some fields. Click on the Help icon.
  • You must complete each section before continuing on to the next section. Once a section has been completed, you can return to it to make changes by clicking on the section header.
Personal Information
Contact Information
Teaching Environment
Select the credentials that you currently hold:
  • Clear Credential
  • Education Specialist Credential
    • Level II
    • Preliminary
    • Clear
  • Special Education Credential